
Introducing New Glam Girl Of The Town: Rakhi Das

Fashion News Feature Models Female Models

Rakhi Das a new model and actress, today we are interviewing her for her new venture. Which is going viral on YouTube and social media. Her social media profile is proof that she is a glam queen.

We get the chance of interview her & getting her precious time for listening her story of experiences, story of success.

TGB: Hi Rakhi, so, your new music video DARD has been released. Tell us something about the music video.

Rakhi: Yes, this video is about a love story, but I can’t tell you all the story, for that you have to watch that video. I can only say, that is a beautifully composed video. And I request you all to watch the video.


TGB: What is your greatest strength, as a model?

Rakhi: My greatest strength as a model is in the diversity I bring to my photo shoots. I do not want to give the same face all of the time and come across as a one trick pony. Diversity is what gets a model booked, these days!

TGB: Being a reliable model is of utmost importance. How would you describe your work ethic?

Rakhi: I am a very dedicated and loyal model. I saw on your website that you describe your agency as honest, transparent and you go the extra mile for your clients and models. My work ethic is the same. I am honest, flexible, and come ready to work hard for every client.

TGB: Where do you see yourself in the competitive modeling industry?

Rakhi: I am a very non-competitive girl. I think my main competitor is me; I do compete with is myself. Also every time I feel that I could have improved in a film or a dance. Generally, I concentrate on my own work and leave the competition part to people who are not secure about their talent.

TGB: How has stardom changed you?

Rakhi: Fame or so called stardom has transformed me without a doubt, but not in way most people believe. I am a simple girl that I was 5 years back when the world didn’t have any acquaintance with me. In any case, I do crave privacy and alone time now. So basically, fame hasn’t transformed me – it has changed my conditions, my lifestyle.

TGB: What about your family support?

Rakhi: In India, basically in West Bengal, people have an idea that, the modeling industry is full of sins. But my family especially my Mom & Dad are always with me, when I decide to take my path to this industry, they supports me. Its God’s blessing to have her as mother and him as a father. They are my mentor till today. They are always holding me and support me from the behind. You can say they are my power generator.

TGB: How do you balance your work and private lives?

Rakhi: It is the most difficult thing to balance your work life and your private one. I try to take out one month out each year so that I can just run away from it all with my family. I try not to work over the weekends, unless I have a commission that is not in the city where I live. Somehow, this arrangement works.

TGB: What is your dream project?

Rakhi: Walking in the ramp of Paris Fashion Week, and also I would love to act in a high-budgeted movie. I love fashion, I live fashion, and it’s my dream to be recognized as an international super model. Hope in future I will be there.

Thank you Rakhi for giving as the time, we hope you will be more successful in your career, and one day we will again have the chance to interviewing you with a pleasure.

Follow her On FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/Rai9990

Follow her on InstaGram: https://www.instagram.com/raidas576/